SUPSI PVLab is working in national and international research projects to improve the knowledge on photovoltaics at all levels. From characterisation of innovative technologies to new standards’ development, from accelerated testing in hybrid environments like BIPV to long term monitoring of PV plants, the research activities are the basis for supporting solar industry and stakeholders with innovative approaches and services.
“The SUPSI PVLab has to anticipate the new testing requirements for new technologies in the PV sector, guaranteeing longevity, an essential characteristic of PV products”
-Roman RUDEL
Former Head of ISAAC
The laboratory benefits of more than 400 m² indoor, dedicated to the test activities on standard and new technologies. A best in class darkroom, hail testing up to 70mm, mechanical load testing up to 14000 Pa, improved light soak and UV bench, two up-to-date climate chambers, are only some of the facilities available in our new space.
- Two AAA class Pasan Flashers for electrical characterisation with a +/-1.6% level of accuracy
- Three continuous simulators, two with white light, one with UV light, for the characterisation, stabilisation and accelerated degradation of materials
- One 3 m3 climate chamber, for thermal cycling with (Humidity and Freeze) and without (Thermal cycling) humidity, and for thermal testing in a damp environment (damp heat)
- One machine for mechanical cycling testing of up to 14,000 Pa of pressure, also on a sloping plane
- One ice shooter machine for checking resistance to hailstones with diameters of up to 70mm, in compliance with Swiss and international standards
- One machine for mechanical testing of strike, compression and cutting on materials or components such as junction boxes, connectors, laminates, etc.
- A megohmetre for checking insulation in dry and wet environments (wet leakage test)
- Two IR videocameras for highlighting defects using the electroluminescence method and thermal mapping
- Outdoor stand for checking energy performance, and for comparing with other technologies
- Weather and monitoring station, equipped with spectroradiometre, pyranometres, reference cells, for accurately recording the quality and quantity of solar radiation
- Two curve-tracers for measuring string performances in the field
- One device for measuring the performance ratio (PR) of the installation
- One device for measuring the insulation, short circuit current and open circuit voltage, for checking the installation
Virtual tour
Explore the SUPSI laboratory. Enjoy a virtual tour of the PVLab in the brand new Campus in Mendrisio.